
Alanya Kargıcak villa apartment house for sale
About us

Our company, which started out in 1934, has been serving in the real estate sector in Alanya and in the kargıcak region and will always satisfy its customers.

By combining years of knowledge and experience under one roof, we do not miss the service they deserve to our valued customers.

We believe that our understanding of this service and policy will carry us higher.

Did you know?

Mahmutlar; It is the region that receives the most foreign settlements from abroad, other countries, Mahmutlar is the key point in this sense. At first people who settled sweater and Russian origin from many foreign countries, including Turkey prefers to have most of region. In this sense, it is referred to as the place most foreigners living in Turkey.

Our Company Policy
  • To comply with all legal requirements in our sector, to keep the satisfaction of our customers at the highest level by producing the most appropriate solutions.
  • To complete projects on time and in accordance with the standards under our commitment.
  • Evaluating suppliers and subcontractors within the whole quality system, continuously improving, following and applying technological developments together.
  • We accept the use of environmentally friendly materials as much as possible in our projects and to respect the environment as our company's mission and quality policy and try to implement it completely.